Episode 9: (7) Strategies to Clean Out Your Sales Pipeline (and turn “maybes” into YES)

Muddy sales pipelines are the worst – I’m talking about a bunch of prospects who haven’t made a decision one way or the other of whether they’re going to do business with you or not.

This pipeline of hopes and dreams gives you a false sense of security that you have a ton of business that is simply “pending.”

If you want to have predictable revenue and income each month, you need more clarity on the people who in your pipeline.

Listen in to this week’s episode and you’ll learn (7) strategies to help you prevent the “think-it-over” response, clean out your sales pipeline, and turn maybes into YES!

***If you want a copy of the “Muddy Pipeline” email sequence I mention in this episode, email me at [email protected] – be sure to tell me the industry you’re in so I know which sequence fits your pipeline the best.

**For more sales tips, wisdom, and inspiration, follow Keeley -

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